In a tragic incident in Jigawa, three siblings lost their lives when a building collapsed. The Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Lawan Shiisu, confirmed the event in Dutse, noting that three others survived.
The father of the children, Ahmad Isah from Kafar Bai quarters, reported the collapse to the Birnikudu division on Tuesday.
According to Shiisu, the incident occurred around 12:05 p.m. when one of the rooms in Isah’s house collapsed.
Upon receiving the report, police officers, along with local good Samaritans, rushed to the scene and managed to rescue seven individuals. The victims were immediately taken to Birninkudu General Hospital for treatment.
Unfortunately, three of the children, identified as Khalifa Ahmad (13), Tijjani Ahmad (12), and Rabiu Ahmad (12), were pronounced dead by the attending physician.
The deceased have been handed over to their family for burial, while the four survivors are currently receiving medical care and are reported to be responding to treatment.