In a heartbreaking incident, Abdulafatai Abdulsalam, a 200-level student from the Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna, Niger State, passed away on August 21, 2024.
The young student, known for his regular jogging routine, collapsed and died while exercising.
The Student Union Government (SUG) President-Elect, Divine Prince Daniel, expressed his condolences in a statement, saying, "It is so disheartening as my attention was drawn to the case of our dear brother ABDULFATAI ABDULSALAM, A 200L student of mathematics department who slumped earlier today when taking his regular jogging exercise."Daniel went on to offer his sympathies to Abdulsalam's family, the Mathematics Department, the School of Physical Sciences, and the entire student body, praying for Allah's mercy and the family's strength during this difficult time.As the incoming SUG President, Daniel emphasized his commitment to prioritizing student welfare, as outlined in his "SURGE AGENDA" manifesto.He urged students to be mindful of their health and seek medical attention promptly if needed.The tragic loss of Abdulafatai Abdulsalam has left the FUT Minna community in mourning, and the university authorities are expected to provide support and guidance to the bereaved family and students during this challenging period.