Passengers in a Frontier Airline were shocked when one of the female passengers pulled down her panties in the middle of the flight and tried to ease herself in the middle of the aisle.
The incident occurred on Monday the 20th of November on a flight from Florida to Philadelphia. The video was shared on Facebook by the handle Julie Voshell Hartman who is also a passenger in the plane.
The woman got provoked and tried relieving herself on the aisle when she tried to use the restroom and the attendant told her she could not at the time.
But passengers around protested which prompt the woman to yell back, 'I don't care and I don't give a f**k, and all manner of F-words she later pull up her panties and approach the attendant again inorder to access the restroom.
The one recording the incident was heard saying “That poor boy next to us,” seemingly referring to the young boy across the aisle who got a graphic view of the woman’s bum.
well crazy world right? The woman was seen fighting and query with several passengers toward the back of the plane as the video showed.