UK Troops in Ukraine Could Spark Third World War, Warns Dmitry Medvedev


Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president and close ally of Vladimir Putin, warned of a third world war if the UK sends troops to Ukraine.

The warning came on Sunday, October 1, after British defence secretary Grant Shapps said he might deploy UK troops to train Ukrainian soldiers. Medvedev said any British trainers found in Ukraine would be legal targets for Russia and “ruthlessly destroyed.”

Medvedev posted on Telegram:

"Nato countries are full of smart idiots. The British Defence Minister, a new idiot, decided to move English training programs for Ukrainian military to Ukrainian soil.

These idiots are openly pushing for the Third World War. This gives our armed forces the legal right to target their instructors.

They will be mercilessly annihilated. And as British Nato professionals, not as mercenaries.

Medvedev also warned that German Taurus missile makers would be targeted if they kept supplying Kiev. Moscow fears that the German missiles could hit Russian territory and cut off its army’s supplies.

More than 20,000 Ukrainian recruits have been trained there since 2022. But NATO members have avoided training programs in Ukraine because of the risk of hitting Russian soldiers.

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