Nipost Staff protest against New Minister Tola Adeyemi

The Staff of the Nigeria Postal Service yesterday protested against the new Minister of Nipost as appointed by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

The staff locked the Entrance of the Nipost Headquarter expressing that they prefer the former Minister Mr. Sunday Adepoju, who they say have contributed hugely to the development of the organization since he was appointed as Minister of Nipost. 

In a video shared on X media, the former Minister was seen admonishing the staff to accept the new leadership change and the staffs were shouting "We want you". 

Placards with inscriptions could be seen tied to the gate of the organization with different views of what the staffs want. Some of the placards reads "we don't want Tola Adeyemi"

Meanwhile the new Minister Tola Adeyemi was seen arriving at the Headquarter of the Nipost with her convoy. She came to take full charge of her new new office nothwithstand the show of the staffs.

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