David Hundeyin says the Politicians is working to keep the People Poor

David Hundeyin on his Twitter page took a deep swipe why the political elite in Nigeria are taking all steps to keep the masses poor. This morning the poverty index of the country rises from 24.4% to 26.6%.

So he highlighted on many grounds why the elite and the politicians are working tirelessly to ensure the people are kept poor. 

Read his long tweet below:

"The fact that Nigeria is the world capital of poverty, and yet is also one of the most difficult places on earth to send money to (due to its own internal policy and laws) is not by accident.

Those in charge of Nigeria can only maintain their stranglehold by staying directly in control of who is able to access wealth and information. Wealth comes with power. Information comes with heightened expectations and ability to change things. If they allow Nigeria's economy to open up like the Chinese in 1979, they will lose all the power they have within a decade or less.

That's why they make sure Nigeria is one of the most difficult places on earth to do business legally, innovate legally, import and repatriate capital legally, or even travel legally. Have you ever heard of a country with 200 million people without A SINGLE successful homegrown technology or innovation to its name in 50+ years? Have you heard of such a country, which is also in the top 4 globally for annual conflict death, making the restriction of social media and Internet freedoms its main priority?

None of that is by accident.

It's not by accident that despite signing up to ACTA and having a huge land trade surplus, the same people execute border closures that only impoverish everyone on both sides of the border and worsen consumer inflation. It's not by mistake that after seeing Information Technology go from 0% to 18.4% of GDP in 24 years, they are determined to destroy that sector with overregulation and punitive taxation. Poverty and ignorance are blunt-force tools deliberately wielded by African governments to maintain control and dominance. They need you poor and in the dark.

That's why their reflexive and INSTANT reaction to anything that creates wealth or enlightenment for the middle and lower classes is a ban. When @GazetteNGR came into existence and shook up Nigerian mainstream journalism in 2020, what did they do? Check the Gazette's pinned tweet for the answer to that. Instead of building more roads to create more economic opportunities around the country, they're rather making it a Herculean task to legally buy and own a vehicle. Instead of leveraging the huge population as an opportunity for cheap outsourcing and tech jobs, they're rather making it more difficult to important phones and computers, and profiling any young man with a laptop as an "Internet fraudster." Online freelancing/remote work? Yahoo boy. Cryptocurrency/Web3? Ban.

So in case any idiots reading this think that giving the Nigerian government the power to police what information people can access or how they can communicate on the Internet is a good idea because it favours Bola Tinubu's doomed attempt to hold on to a position that is not his, these idiots should know that they are not the elites holding the fork - they are in fact, the meat on the fork.

The ultimate dream of the people in power in Nigeria is not to be the trillionaire leaders of comfortable middle class people. It is to be the millionaire rulers of hopeless destitutes. There is meant to be an everlasting underclass and a small class of landlords. If you are not one of the rulers already, you will never be.

If you give these bastards the power to impoverish you further and remove the possibility of light in your future by restricting Nigeria's Internet, because you think one Bola fucking Tinubu is your party member or your Yoruba brother, well...

The lesson will be learnt at leisure."

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