Renowned stand-up comedian, Okechukwu Anthony Onyegbule, popularly known as Okey Bakassi, and his beloved wife, Ezinne, are joyfully commemorating their 22nd wedding anniversary on this special day, September 1.
Okey Bakassi took to his Instagram page this evening to honor and celebrate the enduring bond he shares with his wife, who is not only his life partner but also the mother of their children.
With heartfelt words, he penned:
"Wow, it's been 22 remarkable years since we stood together before God and our cherished friends, making a solemn promise to navigate the challenges of this intricate journey called marriage. Our journey has surpassed all expectations, Zizi. We are flourishing in ways beyond our wildest dreams. Gratitude overflows for God's abundant blessings. Happy anniversary, my dearest wife. You're well aware of the depth of my love for you." 🎉💑❤️